ALL MONTH 1st-31st | National Radon Action Month
January 12th | Home Office Safety & Security Week
January 14th | Deadline to submit comments on Proposed Rule: Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Standard
January 15th | OSHA & EPA civil penalties adjusted for inflation.
January 30th | First stormwater annual report due
ALL MONTH 1st - 28th | American Heart Month
February 1st | Post Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA 300A Form or Equivalent)
February 2nd-8th | National Burn Awareness Week
ALL MONTH 1st-31st | Workplace Eye Wellness Month & National Ladder Safety Month & Brain Injury Awareness Month
March 1st | Annual hazardous waste export reporting & Tier II Chemical Inventory Reporting due & CRTs Export Annual Reporting due
March 2nd | E-Submission of Calendar Year 2023 Injury & Illness data due to OSHA for covered establishments
March 3rd | World Hearing Day
March 9th-15th | National Patient Safety Awareness Week
March 16-22 | National Poison Prevention Week
March 17-23 | National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
March 22nd | World Water Day
March 24- 28 | Grain Safety Week
Sunday, March 31 | Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting
APRIL 1st-30th | Workplace Violence Awareness Month & National Safe Digging Month & Stress Awareness Month & Distracted Driving Awareness
April 7th-13th | National Public Health Week and National Window Safety Week
April 7th | World Health Day
April 9th-11th | Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety
April 21st-25th | National Work Zone Awareness
April 22nd | Earth Day
April 23rd | Administrative Professional's Day
April 24th | Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
April 28th | Workers Memorial Day
April 30th | Last Day to Post Summary of Work‑Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA 300A Form or Equivalent)
ALL MONTH 1-31 May | National Electrical Safety Month & National Building Safety Month & Clear Air Month & Mental Health Awareness Month
May 5th-9th | Construction Safety Week
May 11th-17th | National Police Week & National Women's Health Week
May 13th-15th | CVSA International Roadcheck
May 20th-June 2nd | Click It or Ticket Campaign
May 30th | National Heat Awareness Day
June 1st-30th | National Safety Month & Home Safety Month & Trench Safety Month
June 1st-7th | CPR & AED Awareness Week
June 5th | World Enviornment Day
June 10th | National Forklift Safety Day & National Ride to Work Day
June 30th | PHMSA registration statement due for the next registration year (2025-2026)
July 1st-31st | UV Safety Awareness Month & National Fireworks Safety Month
July 1st | Record of Dispositions of PCBs/PCB Items & EPCRA Form R - Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Deadline
July 13th-19th | Operation Safe Driver Week
August 1st-31st | National Water Quality Month & National Immunization Awareness Month
August 11th | National Safe Digging (811) Day
August 24th-30th | CVSA Brake Safety Week
August 31st | Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax) Due E-file at
September 1st-30th | National Preparedness Month & National Food Safety Month
September 8th-12th | Construction Suicide Prevention Week
Friday, September 13 | National Safety Council "Congress and Expo" begins - Denver, CO
September 14th-20th | National Farm Safety and Health Week & National Truck Driver Appreciation Week
September 16th | International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
September 19th | National Concussion Awareness Day
September 20th | World Cleanup Day
October 1st-31st | National Protect Your Hearing Month
October 3rd | Manufacturing Day
October 5th-11th | National Fire Prevention Week
October 6th | World Day of Bullying Prevention
October 15th | Global Handwashing Day
Wednesday, October 16 | Boss's Day
October 20th-24th | National School Bus Safety Week
November 1st-30th | National Healthy Skin Month
November 2nd-8th | Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
November 15th | America Recycles Day
November 21st | Great American Smokeout
December 1st-31st | National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
December 1st-7th | National Handwashing Awareness Week & National Influenza Vaccination Week
December 31 st| Random Drug & Alcohol Testing Deadline
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10201 W. Markham Suite 317
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Phone: 888-374-3442
1750 Highway 160 West, Suite 101-147
Fort Mill, SC 29708
Phone: 839-400-2223
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