SEA can test your workplace (Surface Cleanliness) to determine if you and your employees are working in a safe and disinfected work area.
Surface Testing Includes:
RT-qPCR: RNA-preservation and RT-qPCR lab-based testing for the presence of SARS-CoV-2.
ATP Screening – Semi-quantitative: A Hygiena Ensure Luminometer with the Supersnap Test providing a quick and sensitive screening level estimate of Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP on a surface using ATP equipment that is familiar to most industry professionals.
ATP Testing – Quantitative 2nd Generation: Our premium, 2nd-generation ATP test from Luminultra ensures high-quality, quantitative ATP field results (pg/cm2) while maximizing ATP extraction efficiency and minimizing interference from cleaning and disinfection agents.
Microscopic Lift Testing: JF2000 Sampling provides a unique approach to particulate sampling and analysis. Effectively identifies dust components during an IAQ evaluation survey.
Air Testing Includes: SEA can test the indoor air quality for most disinfectant used for CDC N-Listed Chemicals.
Let us develop a sampling plan that will help you and your employees recover and return to safely.
Disinfecting the workplace is a simple and inexpensive way to keep your employees safe. SEA is providing these services in Arkansas, South Carolina and surrounding states and can offer the following decontamination and disinfection services for residential, commercial and manufacturing buildings.
This method uses oxygen and electricity to generate ozone which is nature's strongest sterilization method. Ozone has been proven to kill COVID-19 and because of its gaseous nature, it can penetrate areas that other methods cannot.
Perfect for Office and Administrative Building
The quickest way to disinfect a hospital room, an office, locker room, warehouse or manufacturing facility is by using a fogging system that can create an ultra-fine mist to treat objects, walls, floors, and ceilings in a matter of just a few minutes. Foggers can dramatically cut the time to disinfect large areas.
Perfect for Small and Large Spaces including Warehouses and Manufacturing Facilities
Common places that represent touch-points and are considered high potential contamination areas such as table and desktops, keyboards, door handles, light switches, control boards, restrooms, etc.
10201 W. Markham Suite 317
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Phone: 888-374-3442
1750 Highway 160 West, Suite 101-147
Fort Mill, SC 29708
Phone: 839-400-2223
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